Texas Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Early Learning Guidelines

There are approximately 1,900 days between a child’s birth and their 1st day of kindergarten. Every day is a critical opportunity to support their healthy development.
Published in 2013, the Texas Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Early Learning Guidelines (ITELG) describe expectations about what children should know (understand) and be able to do (competencies and skills) across domains of learning during specific age ranges, as well as what steps caregivers should take to support healthy development. As the State Center for Early Childhood Development, CLI partnered with the Texas Early Learning Council to write the ITELG with the assistance of a diverse group of stakeholders and input from the public.
The ITELG are designed to assist caregivers in understanding early childhood development and in making the most of each day during the early years of growth. Although no two children are expected to follow the exact same pattern of growth, the ITELG are meant to provide an outline of the developmental skills young children are working on at a given stage. The ITELG were created to move Texas forward in ensuring that all children have the high-quality early experiences needed for optimal brain development.
The Texas Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Early Learning Guidelines are available for download in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
Download the full Guidelines in English
The ITELG are intended to positively influence the design of professional development strategies, parent engagement, administrative planning, key class materials, and curricula. Above all else, the ITELG are a learning tool for caregivers. When equipped with the ITELG, caregivers can support a child’s growth, development, and learning for success in school and life. The ITELG include strategies for addressing children with special needs and those who are English language learners and feature developmental information in the following domains:
Selecting an early childhood setting for your young child is an important decision you may have to make as a parent or caregiver of a young child. You will make the best possible choice for you and your child if you have strong knowledge of what you should expect when you are shopping around for care. Download “A Parent’s Guide to Choosing Care.” It is a short read, but worth your time! When you start your search for care, use it to start your search, ask the staff key questions, look for signs of quality, and help guide you through the process.
A Parent’s Guide to Choosing Care
Remember that 80% of brain development occurs before age 4, so it is really important that you continue to stay involved with your child’s care. By staying involved you will greatly increase the chances that your child will get the highest level of care possible, which matters a lot during this critical period of brain development! Remember this when thinking about being involved in your child’s care.
Its as simple as ABC: Ask Questions, Be There, Create Improvements.
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“Little Texans. Big Futures.” started as a project of the Texas Early Learning Council, as part of its promise to bring new, voluntary, infant, toddler, and three-year-old early learning guidelines to Texas. The Council embarked on a two-year process to develop the guidelines through a collaborative process involving many different types of experts and participants in early childhood services in the state. The final guidelines were reviewed and approved by hundreds of state and national leaders, and they are endorsed by the Texas Pediatric Society.
Suggested citation:
Texas Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year-Old Early Learning Guidelines. (2013). Children’s Learning Institute at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.