Posted on February 8, 2024 by childrenslearninginstitute
February 8, 2024
CLI Author:
Background: Paediatric acquired brain injury is a life-long condition which impacts on all facets of the individual’s lived experience. The existing evidence base continues to expand and new fields of enquiry are established as clinicians and researchers uncover the extent of these impacts.
Primary objective: To add to recommendations described in the International Paediatric Brain Injury Society’s 2016 paper on post-acute care for children with acquired brain injury and highlight new areas of enquiry.
Review of information: Recommendations were made based on the opinions of a group of experienced international clinicians and researchers who are current or past members of the board of directors of the International Paediatric Brain Injury Society. The importance of each recommendation was agreed upon by means of group consensus.
Outcomes: This update gives new consideration to areas of study including injuries which occur in pre-school children, young people in the military, medical referral, young offenders and the use of technology in rehabilitation.
Linden, M. A., McKinlay, A., Hawley, C., Aaro-Jonsson, C., Kristiansen, I., … Meyer-Heim, A. (2024). Further recommendations of the International Paediatric Brain Injury Society (IPBIS) for the post-acute rehabilitation of children with acquired brain injury. Brain Injury, 38(3), 151–159.