An Initial Investigation of the CIRCLE Infant-Toddler Teacher Training for Toddler Teachers

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Posted on August 18, 2021 by childrenslearninginstitute


August 18, 2021


Early Education and Development

CLI Authors:

April Crawford, PhD, Reese-Anna Cummins, MS, Cathy L. Guttentag, PhD, Susan H. Landry, PhD, Yoonkyung Oh, PhD, Cheryl Varghese, PhD, and Tricia A, Zucker, PhD


This pilot study conducted an initial evaluation of the Center for Improving the Readiness of Children for Learning and Education (CIRCLE) Infant-Toddler Teacher Training program. The program is unique in three ways: 1) use of an online platform with courses that explain social-emotional, language, and literacy development in young children (infants and toddlers) and teaching strategies to support development across these areas; 2) use of child progress monitoring measures (milestones checklists) to identify children who need additional support; and 3) use of remote coaching to support toddler teachers’ professional learning within the program. The purpose of the pilot study was to examine the impact of the CIRCLE Infant-Toddler Teacher Training on the quality of toddler teachers’ instruction and interactions with toddlers and toddlers’ language and social-emotional/behavioral skills. In this study, we utilized a randomized control design, with 38 toddler teachers and 229 toddlers (ages 24–36 months) participating in the pilot study. Research Findings: Findings suggested that toddler teachers who participated in the CIRCLE Infant-Toddler Teacher Training had improved interactions with toddlers. There were no main intervention effects on child-level outcomes. Practice or Policy: Taken together, these findings suggest that providing coaching-based professional development opportunities for toddler teachers may be an important way to improve early learning environments.


April Crawford, Cheryl Varghese, Yoonkyung Oh, Cathy Guttentag, TriciaZucker, Susan Landry & Reese-Anna Cummins (2021): An Initial Investigation of the CIRCLEInfant-Toddler Teacher Training for Toddler Teachers, Early Education and Development, DOI:10.1080/10409289.2021.1961427.