Reading Rules

Reading RULES! is based on 30 years of scientific research about effective instruction for students in the early grades who have difficulties learning to read.
Development of the Reading RULES! first-grade program began in 2010 at the Children’s Learning Institute, under the leadership of Dr. Carolyn Denton and Dr. Emily Solari. Their vision was to develop a first grade intervention program based on current reading research that covered all of the components of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Researchers worked collaboratively with classroom teachers to develop and pilot lessons to ensure feasibility for teachers and student success.
Reading RULES! provided first-grade struggling readers with supplemental instruction in phonemic awareness, letter-sound instruction, spelling, decoding, word recognition, text reading, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Additional research supported developing supplemental resources to support young readers in other grades, including the Idea Detectives program for students in grades 2-4 with serious reading difficulties and disabilities.
Reading RULES is not currently available for purchase, but CLI is incorporating its principles and lessons into our expanded Accelerated Early Reading Outcomes (AERO) tutoring and intervention curriculum. Contact us for more information.