Build understanding of how to live with ADHD over time. This comprehensive course, developed by the University of Geneva, is broken down into short videos. Watch the entire series or choose specific topics of interest, such as creating a treatment strategy.
Resource Type: Video |
Diagnosis: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder |
Language: English
Ages: Adolescence and Beyond |
Audience: Family, Educator
Learn about three changes adults can make to help children with ADHD follow instructions and be successful, presented by psychologist Erin Gonzalez at Seattle Children’s.
Resource Type: Video |
Diagnosis: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder |
Language: English
Ages: Early Childhood, School-Age, Adolescence and Beyond |
Audience: Family
This toolkit for families provides examples for setting up daily routines and behavior tracking systems, as well as additional resources to help students with ADHD in school, provided by the National Resource Center on ADHD, a program of CHADD.
Resource Type: Activity |
Diagnosis: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder |
Language: English
Ages: Early Childhood, School-Age, Adolescence and Beyond |
Audience: Family, Educator
Healthwise, Incorporated proporciona información sobre las opciones de tratamiento y herramientas para ayudar a las familias a decidir si su hijo debe tomar medicamentos para el TDAH. Esta guía incluye preguntas frecuentes sobre medicamentos y una tabla para comparar los riesgos y beneficios de la medicación frente a otras opciones.
Resource Type: Publication |
Diagnosis: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder |
Language: Spanish
Ages: Edad escolar |
Audience: Familia
Healthwise, Incorporated provides information about treatment options and tools to help families decide if their child should take medicine for ADHD. This guide includes FAQs about medications and a chart to compare the risks and benefits of medication versus other options.
Resource Type: Publication |
Diagnosis: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder |
Language: English
Ages: School-Age, Adolescence and Beyond |
Audience: Family
Autism Speaks is dedicated to creating an inclusive world for all individuals with autism throughout their lifespan. We do this through advocacy, services, supports, research and innovation, and advances in care for autistic individuals and their families.
Resource Type: Website |
Diagnosis: Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Language: English
Ages: Early Childhood, School-Age, Adolescence and Beyond |
Audience: Child, Family
UT Physicians presents behavioral therapy strategies, based on the principles of praising or rewarding good behavior and allowing natural consequences for unwanted behaviors. Applying these techniques in a consistent way can help children’s behavior and interactions with others.
Resource Type: Publication |
Diagnosis: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder |
Language: English
Ages: Early Childhood, School-Age, Adolescence and Beyond |
Audience: Family, Educator
This video for teens and their families highlights how to break down larger classroom assignments into smaller, more manageable steps. The University of Maryland ADHD Program provides an example of how to use this strategy in the context of completing a science project.
Resource Type: Activity |
Diagnosis: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder |
Language: English
Ages: School-Age, Adolescence and Beyond |
Audience: Child, Family, Educator
Ayude a los niños a desarrollar estrategias para calmar y regular el cerebro y el cuerpo. Acceda a una cuenta gratuita en para ver esta actividad para el salón de clases de pre-kínder/kínder en la Colección de actividades Circle de la organización Children’s Learning Institute.
Resource Type: Activity |
Diagnosis: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder |
Language: Spanish
Ages: Niñez temprana, Edad escolar |
Audience: Educador
Using this activity and video from the Circle Activity Collection, you will invite your child to practice techniques to calm their brain and body.
Resource Type: Activity |
Diagnosis: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder |
Language: English
Ages: Early Childhood |
Audience: Educator