Meet Dr. Mary Prasad from Dan L. Duncan Children’s Neurodevelopmental Clinic at the Children’s Learning Institute. Learn how attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) impacts children and families, and explore ways to provide support!
Find out more about what ADHD is and how it is diagnosed:
Let’s Talk About ADHD
Talking with children about differences in how their brains work can minimize stigma and shame. Watch this video together from the National Centre for Mental Health about the unique challenges and strengths that come with ADHD.
Understanding Executive Functioning
This video explains what executive functioning (EF) is, gives specific examples of how EF difficulties look in children, and provides a few techniques from the Unstuck and On Target curriculum to improve EF skills.
Why Kids With ADHD Need Different Parenting
Learn about three changes adults can make to help children with ADHD follow instructions and be successful, presented by psychologist Erin Gonzalez at Seattle Children’s.
Treatment Options for ADHD
Dr. Cesar Soutullo, director of the ADHD Outpatient Program at UT Physicians, outlines components of three important treatment options for ADHD.
Education: Supporting Those with ADHD
Leticia Gonzalez-Castro, senior social worker with UT Physicians, breaks down ways to support a child with ADHD in general education and special education programs.
A Life with ADHD
Build understanding of how to live with ADHD over time. This comprehensive course, developed by the University of Geneva, is broken down into short videos. Watch the entire series or choose specific topics of interest, such as creating a treatment strategy.
Your Child Was Diagnosed with ADHD—Now What?
Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) presents first steps for families after receiving an ADHD diagnosis, such as behavioral and medical treatment plans, academic accommodations, 504 plans, and an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Parenting a Child with ADHD
Read about the role a parent plays in creating home and school environments that support a child’s needs, as well as ways parents can seek support for themselves, from
Behavior Therapy for ADHD
UT Physicians presents behavioral therapy strategies, based on the principles of praising or rewarding good behavior and allowing natural consequences for unwanted behaviors. Applying these techniques in a consistent way can help children’s behavior and interactions with others.
ADHD: Should My Child Take Medicine for ADHD?
Healthwise, Incorporated provides information about treatment options and tools to help families decide if their child should take medicine for ADHD. This guide includes FAQs about medications and a chart to compare the risks and benefits of medication versus other options.
Professionals Who Diagnose and Treat ADHD
Learn more about the types of professionals who typically diagnose and treat ADHD. CHADD’s Professional Directory and other resources help families find providers.
School Interventions
Some typical school interventions for children with ADHD, listed from least to more intensive by CHADD, include classroom behavior management and other procedures that may be included in a 504 plan or Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Teacher’s Guide to ADHD
This teacher’s guide by the Child Mind Institute offers information about ADHD symptoms, behaviors, executive function, and teaching children with ADHD.
These activities are designed for adults to do with a child with ADHD. They provide a way to intentionally practice self-regulation skills, concentration, memory, and calming exercises. Share the link to an activity you like with friends, family members, or other parents!
Practicing Executive Function Skills With Children
Strengthen executive function skills from infancy to adolescence with these activities from experts at the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University.
ADHD and School Toolkit
This toolkit for families provides examples for setting up daily routines and behavior tracking systems, as well as additional resources to help students with ADHD in school, provided by the National Resource Center on ADHD, a program of CHADD.
Breaking Down Assignments and Tasks
This video for teens and their families highlights how to break down larger classroom assignments into smaller, more manageable steps. The University of Maryland ADHD Program provides an example of how to use this strategy in the context of completing a science project.
Creating Daily Routines
This video includes tips for teens on setting up daily routines for schoolwork and self-care, from the University of Maryland ADHD Program.
Listening Walk
In this activity for children ages 3 to 5, families can help strengthen their child’s listening skills and attention during a walk outside. For more family activities from the Children’s Learning Institute, go to
Calming Our Brains and Bodies
Help children develop strategies to calm and regulate their brains and bodies. Log into a free account at to view this pre-K/kindergarten classroom activity in the Circle Activity Collection from the Children’s Learning Institute.
Wellness Classes – ADHD Workshop for Families
View the Wellness Classes Schedule to find ADHD Workshops for Families, and scan the QR code in the calendar to register. Meet with medical and mental health professionals in these free virtual sessions, learn how to manage ADHD at home and school, and receive access to local resources.
Parent ADHD Support Group
Connect with other families through virtual trainings and events for families with a child with ADHD, provided by the nonprofit organization Attention Deficit Disorders Association – Southern Region (ADDA-SR).
Parent to Parent: Introduction to ADHD
Enroll in this free online family training to learn about ADHD from the parent perspective—myths and facts, executive functions of the brain, factors influencing ADHD, and coexisting conditions. Connect to CHADD’s ADHD Parents Together online community. Other courses in this series are fee-based.