Tracy Anne Jones, EdD

Assistant Director, Texas Early Childhood Professional Development System
Tracy Anne Jones’ professional focus is improving the quality of early childhood through professional development of early childhood professionals. Her areas of interest include: professional development, continuous improvement, high quality initiatives, project management, and strategic implementation.
Tracy Anne Jones is an Assistant Director for Texas School Ready, within Texas State Initiatives at the Children’s Learning Institute (CLI). Dr. Jones supports the technology, service delivery, and operations for the Texas Early Childhood Professional Development System (TECPDS) that provides support to over 65,000 early childhood providers throughout Texas.
The TECPDS platform was developed through a joint project of the Texas Head Start State Collaboration Office (THSSCO) and the Texas Early Learning Council (TELC). Housed in CLI at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth), TECPDS is one of several statewide programs managed by CLI to support the early childhood system, including programs, professionals, and families across the state, as part of its role as the Texas State Center for Early Childhood Development. TECPDS launched in 2013 and continues to expand and enhance professional development opportunities, resources, and tools for early childhood professionals.
Dr. Jones is a proven leader in the field of early childhood with over 30 years of experience in the field of early childhood education. She has progressed in the field, and served in various senior level operational roles and serves on numerous state and national boards.
Dr. Tracy Anne Jones received her BA degree in psychology, master’s degree in education, and doctoral degree in curriculum and instruction with a focus on early childhood education from the University of Houston.