Posted on May 11, 2022 by childrenslearninginstitute
May 11, 2022 | United Way of Greater Houston
Topic Supporting Social Emotional Development Throughout the School Year
Join us to learn why a focus on social emotional development is especially vital during these changing times. Learn specific ways for integrating social and emotional learning in early childhood classrooms and where to access free, research-based lessons.
The CIRCLE Pre-K Curriculum supports comprehensive skill development across all prekindergarten learning domains, while uniquely providing essential instruction in the critical area of children’s social and emotional growth. When children learn in an environment of high stress or unpredictability, they can struggle to develop a strong foundation of social and emotional skills. To address this issue, CLI offers a collection of sequenced social emotional lessons that can be used throughout the year, as a supplement to your school’s programming, and to engage your families. Experience the lessons for yourself at this interactive and informative session.