Latino Home Learning Opportunities, Parental Growth Mindset, and Child Academic Skills

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Posted on March 20, 2023 by childrenslearninginstitute


March 20, 2023


Early Education and Development

CLI Author:

Gloria Yeomans-Maldonado, PhD


Associations between home learning opportunities, parental growth mindset (the belief that intelligence is malleable), and children’s academic skills have been documented primarily in European descent communities. Less is known about other communities. This study examined associations among home learning opportunities, parental mindsets, and child academic skills in a sample of 107 Latino parents and their kindergartners (M age = 67 months; 51% girls). Home learning opportunities were measured via a survey that included conventional learning practices (e.g. book sharing) and food practices (e.g. mealtime conversations). Parental mindsets were assessed through a widely used mindset scale. Child academic skills were assessed using standardized and non-standardized tests. Research Findings: Parental growth mindsets positively related to food practices (β = 0.29) and there was suggestive evidence that food practices positively related to child expressive vocabulary (β = 0.35). Conventional learning practices and parental growth mindset did not relate to child outcomes. Practice or Policy: If replicated in larger samples, findings suggest that Latino parents might view food practices as prime learning opportunities for their children. In addition, results suggest that food practices might foster Latino children’s academic skills. Findings have the potential to inform family interventions targeting Latino families.


This project was supported by the Brady Education Foundation, Davidson College, and the Institute of Education Sciences under Grants No. R305B150012 and R305B170015.


Diana Leyva, Gloria Yeomans-Maldonado, Christina Weiland & Anna Shapiro (2023) Latino Home Learning Opportunities, Parental Growth Mindset, and Child Academic Skills, Early Education and Development, DOI: 10.1080/10409289.2023.2190291